Monday, March 9, 2020

Triceratops essays

Triceratops essays When most people hear about the Triceratops they usually think of the dinosaur with the horns. As a matter of fact, Triceratops means "three-horned face" and refers to the three extremely large and menacing horns on its face, but there is a lot more to this dinosaur than just its looks. ( Even though this dinosaurs looks may be menacing, it is actually a herbivore, but it could also take up for itself when it needed to. At nine meters (30 ft) in length, Triceratops was among the largest ceratopsians and one of the last to become extinct. It made up the bulk of the plant eating population just before the end of the Cretaceous. Its remains are particularly common in coastal lowland sediments. Triceratops remains were first discovered near Denver, Colorado, in 1887. At first they were identified as the remains of a recently extinct species of buffalo. Triceratops had a single, short nasal horn and horns as long as hockey sticks protruding above its eyes. Its head, sometimes as much as three meters (10 ft) long, was the largest ever possessed by a land animal. It had large eyes and a relatively large brain. Triceratops lived in the late Cretaceous Period, about 72 to 65 million years ago, toward the end of the Mesozoic, the Age of Reptiles. It was among the last of the dinosaur species to evolve before the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction 65 million years ago. The Triceratops proved to be the largest known ceratopsid - heavy as an elephant, with a massive body, and a head as long as the height of a human. /Dd/Namelist/Tabt/T121.htm. A broad, bony frill stuck out from the back of its deep beaked skull, and t ...